§1 General provisions

These Regulations are addressed to both consumers and entrepreneurs using the Online Store, unless a given provision of the Regulations provides otherwise and is addressed only to consumers or to entrepreneurs.

The administrator of personal data processed in the Online Store in connection with the implementation of the provisions of these Regulations is the Seller. Personal data is processed for purposes, for a period and based on the basis and principles set out in the privacy policy published on the Online Store website. The privacy policy contains primarily rules regarding the processing of personal data by the Administrator in the Online Store, including the basics, purposes and period of personal data processing and the rights of data subjects, as well as information on the use of cookies and analytical tools in the online store.

Using the Online Store, including making purchases, is voluntary. Similarly, the provision of personal data by the Customer using the Online Store is voluntary, subject to exceptions indicated in the privacy policy (conclusion of the contract and statutory obligations of the Seller).

The Seller provides the Consumer with constant access to the Regulations by activating the "Regulations" tab on the Store's website. The consumer placing an order and making a purchase in the store is obliged to read these Regulations. Lack of knowledge of the regulations does not absolve the consumer from the applicable terms and conditions of shopping in the store. The consumer confirms his knowledge of the regulations during the ordering process.

The prices of all goods visible on the Store's website are gross prices.

The information on the Store's website is only commercial information and not an offer within the meaning of the Civil Code. The consumer placing an order in the Store submits an offer to buy a specific product for the price and with the characteristics given on the Store's website. The price and product description of the goods become binding only upon confirmation of the order being accepted by the Store for implementation by changing the status of the order to "accepted for implementation".

§2.Sales and order processing in the store

Orders can be placed 24 hours a day.

Goods offered in the Store are made by hand, therefore they may have defects related to the creation process, dimensions may differ from those given on the website, the product has no legal defects.

The condition of the order is that the Buyer provides data enabling its verification and verification of the recipient of the goods, in particular: name and surname, exact address of residence, delivery address of the goods as well as the e-mail address of the Buyer and his contact phone.

Acceptance of the order for execution will be confirmed by the Store by phone or email. As soon as the Store confirms acceptance of the order by the Seller, the contract is considered concluded.

To place an order, the Consumer should perform at least the following steps, some of which may be repeated many times:

a) adding the product to the basket;

b) choosing the type of delivery;

c) choosing the type of payment;

d) choosing the place of delivery;

e) placing an order in the store by using the "Order and pay" button.

The conclusion of the contract with the Buyer takes place upon placing the order.

The conclusion of the contract with the Consumer takes place upon acceptance of the order by the Seller, of which he informs the Consumer within 48 hours of placing the order. Acceptance of the order for execution will be confirmed by the Store by phone or email. As soon as the Store confirms acceptance of the order by the Seller, the contract is considered concluded.

The implementation of the Consumer order may depend on making a payment of all or part of the value of the order or obtaining a trade credit limit of at least the value of the order or the consent of the Seller to send the order on delivery (payable on delivery).

The subject of the contract is sent within the time limit specified on the product card, and for orders consisting of many products within the longest time specified on the product cards. The period begins when the order is processed.

The purchased subject of the contract is sent together with the sales document indicated by the Consumer the type of delivery indicated by the Consumer to the place of delivery indicated by the Consumer in the order, with attached attachments.